For fuck's sakes, all of you 12 year olds on this site....quit bashing him!
Sure, he did slack off in some spots, but who cares? Is he a professional animator? No, not yet, so PISS OFF. Give GOOD criticism, such as "Hey, you could work on _____, but otherwise nice job". Don't be a total asshole and just bash his work....*cough*...chickengirl and psychoticdemon...*cough* since YOU BOTH have nothing submitted to NG, or it totally blows. Umm, Chickengirl, last time I checked, 3.80 is A LOT higher than your impressive score of 2.51 on "Run Hitler Run".
Well I'm done sounding like a prick :D
Good job on this one bud, WHAT MUSIC DO I NEED TO MAKE?
<QUOTE> "suddenly switching between two different kinds of music can be annoying" <QUOTE>
Umm, does not compute? When did that happen? In case you're all like "Why does he care?......I made the music :D, so yeah
Kids these days..... *shakes head*